Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Drawing House Plan

Drawing House Plan : The draw a plan take a sheet of paper large enough for the plan and lay out the entire build to scale alway use a scale of 1/4" = 1' 0" with pencil, show the wall, door and window, and dimension.

Erase and change on this sheet as much as you wish it is only a work sheet until you get exactly the floor plan you want. The only thing required of this sheet is that it be accurate when you have finish the drawing; how messy it look when you get through with it is not important. The final track is what count; it must be carefully done and complete.

When you are satisfied with the plan and are sure that everything is work out exactly the way you want it to be built, get a high quality tracing paper for the final drawing. Get the best quality of tracing paper you can find.

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